And when you review the file of what you lived through is when you can understand it is not timeshare next to or near that person what binds you to it, but the feelings that are generated through shared so many moments. The battles won, lost wars, wounds, smiles, knowing glances, overcome fights, screams, regrets, mistakes, successes, calendar dates, joys and sorrows, hopes and disappointments, nights, mornings, mornings, afternoons , sunrises and atarcederes. And misunderstandings. Hugs senses and well-argued masters. Moments were what they were because you were by my side, had not been the same if you were not there, always beside me, from day one. And without wanting to come my head all the memories of that day and those who followed him. could not remember and less to list all the things we at this time. In an attempt to count everything, start with our first days in which as if time has not reached us we were two or three times a day, talked on the phone for hours every day, first I want you and the first early master. The first letter, the first bounce, the first summer comings and goings that never led to anything but to try it out yet. The messages first thing in the morning saying good day, have lunch together when our schedules permit. Many discussions and arguments that allowed us to know even more. The best memories, the most incredible moments and the smile on his face again. Between the two, and everything is known not to be discovered, but a lot of growing together.
(do not know if you already uploaded.)